Prayers remembering deaths from domestic violence

DSC01822Tonight was the Peace with Purple Vigil at Maverick County Lake, hosted by the Quad Counties Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Candles were lit in remembrance of the 140 people killed by domestic violence in Texas during 2014 as their names were read. We also remembered two women killed in Maverick County in 2013. I was invited to lead the invocation. Here is what I prayed:

Dios amado, loving God:

Te damos gracias por la oportunidad para estar aquí hoy juntos en comunidad.

We give you thanks for the opportunity to be together today in community. We give you thanks for our families and for life’s blessings.

Te damos gracias por nuestras familias y por las bendiciones en la vida. Sea con nosotros en esta noche en esta vigilia. Manda tu presencia sanadora. Manda tu amor.

Be with us in this vigil tonight. Send your healing presence. Send your love. Comfort us as we remember those who have died because of domestic violence.

Favor de consolarnos al recordar a los que han sufrido por causa de violencia domestica. Lamentamos la muerte. Lloramos en el dolor.

We lament death. We cry in pain. Hear our prayer.

Escucha nuestras plegarias.
Oramos por los que todavía sufren en silencio. Oramos por familias afectadas por abuso.
Oramos por los que abusan. Oramos por todos luchando para parar los ciclos de venganza y violencia.

We pray for those who still suffer in silence.
We pray for families affected by abuse.
We pray for abusers.
We pray for those in the struggle to stop cycles of vengeance and violence.
Send a spirit of healing, a spirit of justice, and a spirit of solidarity.

Favor de mandar a un espíritu de sanción, un espíritu de justicia, y un espíritu de solidaridad. Danos aquí en el Condado Maverick el valor para ser ejemplos de bienvenida y modelos de misericordia.

Give us in Maverick County the valor to be examples of welcome and models of mercy. Give us tools of cooperation and unity, so that we may put into practice a message of peace—in our hearts, en our families, and in our world. Bless this vigil and give us your peace.

Danos las herramientas de cooperación y unidad, para que podamos poner en práctica un mensaje de paz—en nuestros corazones, en nuestras familias, y en nuestro mundo.

Bendice esta vigila y danos tu paz. Amen.