¡El Espíritu Santo ya llegó!

pentecost 2013Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost at San Lucas. Worship included the baptism of a sweet baby girl. Here’s the finished product of the communal art project we did on Wednesday.

Pentecost painting

DSCN1712For Pentecost at San Lucas, we’re trying a communal liturgical art project. Tonight at Bible study, we read Acts 2, then got to work making flames to use on Sunday to decorate the sanctuary. This is a very visual way to think of the movement of the Holy Spirit.

It’s a project that we do together. I made a preliminary outline of what colors should go where, but invited people to be creative with textures and media. The pieces are both prepackaged canvas and foam board. Most of the paint is tempera, but we also had some random oil pastels and watercolors. We’ll give the art a few days to dry, and then on Saturday morning at 10, we’ll gather to put them into the sanctuary.